Monday, February 3, 2014


We may be settling into a little routine together and it feels nice. I know it will keep changing as Logan's schedule and demands change but we're getting out of the house a bit more and the time spent inside is really enjoyable.

Avery 5/52
"Play" is her new favorite word. We get to witness Avery's imagination on a daily basis now and it's nothing short of amazing. We may be fish, characters from her favorite movie or taking care of her babies or animals when they fall down (she throws them and then says "awww, fall! shhhhhhh while patting their backs or attempting to nurse them). I can't get over what a little girl she is these days. She is becoming more and more independent, running far off in the distance at the Zoo and playing by herself in her little kitchen.

We took advantage of a break in the cold weather to go for a small hike in the "forest" and a trip to the Zoo. Avery runs after her dog and laughs so hard when he fetches a ball and runs back to her. This girl just radiates happiness.

The cold days are more frequent. Hair doesn't get brushed, clothes rarely go on and we get silly and creative to prevent going stir crazy. She's been asking to be Cinderella and I happily oblige (with the wand she requests I use). Once she's turned into the princess she gets this sheepish smile and insists on dancing with her Daddy, demanding he kneel and sway back and forth. Doesn't get much sweeter.

Logan 5/52
Logan has found her voice and takes every opportunity to try out new sounds (including each middle of the night wake up). It is straight up adorable and makes us laugh no matter how exhausted we are. She is incredibly strong and already sitting in her little chair having tea parties with her sister. 

We've all spent a lot of time in our pajamas this week. It isn't uncommon for Logan to spend the whole day in what she slept in the night before. She doesn't seem to mind. We're still napping together each afternoon and I cherish that quiet time together. 

Their relationship is already starting to form. Avery thinks she's hysterical and is so sweet, kind and gentle with her little sister. She's her cheerleader during tummy time and tries to be her comfort when she's sad. Logan tries to eat Avery's fingers which causes fits of giggles from her older sister.

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