Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I wrote this in my head last night. I laid there thinking of my sweet girls and all the things I want to remember. Like Avery's enthusiastic squeal when she's excited and the way she hugs and kisses us before she goes to sleep. The way she always says “one minute” when I tell her it’s time for something to end and the way she and her Daddy draw every night before bed. I want to remember the first time Logan really laughed and found her feet and the way she is always watching me from across the room or looking for her Daddy if she’s in someone else’s arms. All things too lovely to forget.

Avery 3/52

It was a good week. We had the opportunity to witness Avery with her peers on two occasions. I was so proud of our little girl. She is fun and brave and spunky and so very sweet. She is kind to everyone and shows her affection through hugs and kisses. People are drawn to her and her sunny disposition. There were two little girls who clearly wanted a hug and kiss from Avery (who was giving them out freely) but were too shy to approach her or ask. Avery noticed and tenderly placed her hands on their cheeks and lifted their heads so she could look in their eyes. Then they hugged and my heart exploded both times.

Logan 3/52

And Logan. Delightful Lo Lo. We’re getting to know her more and more each day. We have alone time every afternoon while her sister naps. She relishes in being the center of attention, showing off her voice and her smile. She discovered her feet on Sunday and loves to grab them and rock back and forth and back and forth.

Her afternoon nap is also mine. This girl will only sleep in my arms and this is the only time we have to do so. Instead of fighting it I succumb to the quiet time and try not to think of my ever-long to-do list and just enjoy the weight of her body on mine.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


A lot of rain and mercurial temperaments. Big smiles and thunderous temper tantrums. Lots of snuggles, books, movies, dancing, experiments and play. 

Her smile is contagious, wide and genuine. She is extra chatty lately and comes up with new words every day. She has taken to screaming as loud as she can while we're all having breakfast or lunch just to get us to laugh. She had two play dates with little ones her age and played hard, laughing and running after her friends and calling their names (Chase! Pace!). 

Avery and Daddy watch Bao Bao and her Mommy on the Zoo's Panda Cam every night before bath. As members of the Zoo we were able to have a special viewing of Bao Bao on Sunday. We got up early and made our way. Avery yelled "Mama, Mama, Mama - Zoo!" the whole way. She got to see Bao Bao wake up and play with her Mommy from atop Daddy's shoulders. She melted my heart when she'd look for me in the crowd and call me over to make sure I saw, too. 

This beautiful girl laughed for the first time over the weekend. She's becoming very engaged and talkative, finding her voice and new sounds with her throat. Her smile comes so easily and her eyes are so sparkly. Logan is especially interested in everything her big sister does and watches her every move. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Week one. Done. Here we go. 

I’ve always wanted to be a mother but I never could have imagined the joy my two girls bring into my life. Watching them grow up and develop into these magnificent, fun, strong-willed, funny and engaging beings brings both Mike and me the utmost happiness. There are so many times each week I want to make time stand-still and soak it all in because it is going by so quickly. There has never been a happier time in my life. Our life can be hectic, overwhelming and crazy but there is so much joy I could burst.

The start of the New Year wasn’t the easiest. We’ve all been battling illness. Avery started with a cold that turned to a bad case of croup. I was next and Mike was in bed for three out of five days to start the New Year. It was hard. We have not quite found a routine as a family of four. If Mike is working or sick (because when he's here he is the most engaged and fun Dad these girls could have), as it was, I am constantly worried I’m not tending to each child’s needs. I worry I’m forcing each to flex more than is right for their young age. Logan only wants to nap in my arms and Avery is still young and needs and wants a lot of love and attention. I want to give that to both of them but it doesn’t always happen. As such, Avery has watched far more TV than I would have imagined I’d allow my two year old. She loves movies and will cuddle in our bed watching something as I hold her sister. I keep trying to remember that this is temporary, that she won’t always watch this much TV and that the cuddle time is good for her because she at least feels loved and is close to me.

It’s the days when TV is at a minimum, I’ve showered before 8:00am, our bed is made and we’ve made it outside for at least thirty minutes that I feel like I’m actually succeeding at motherhood. We have one of those days for every two of the other. We’ll get there. I’ve given us three daily goals in an attempt for frequent “good” days.

- 30 minutes outside every day no matter the weather
- 30 minutes of unstructured Avery room time
- 30 minutes of creating together

That’s only an hour and a half of our day so it should be doable. Here’s why these three things are so important to me.

Avery loves to be outside and I need to be outside. If I can get out, even for a small walk, I feel more together, more energized and more engaged with my girls. Holy cow, is it an effort to get out of the house sometimes with both girls. I’d be lying if I said there weren’t days when I’m putting on hats, mittens, boots, finding blankets, nursing the baby, trying to get her in the Ergo, packing snacks and etc. that I don’t want to throw something across the room or kick a cupboard on my way out. It’s hard. But, once we’re out and we start moving. I feel so much better. Avery does too and Logan is just starting to watch the world from the Ergo.

Unstructured Room Time
Avery is so creative and watching her run around her little room and play demonstrates her need for the unstructured play. Lilu and Auntie Andi gave her a teepee for Christmas. She loves to hide in there, read books, turn on her little flashlight and play little games. We’ve also just started playing “shark!”. We sit on her bed as if it’s a boat and run away from the pretend sharks on the floor. “Mama, shark!” she yells and we jump around and squeal. I hope it also encourages her and Logan to play together in the next few months (or six or ten).  My biggest challenge is her room is upstairs and I feel a need to be up there with her during this time. I’d like to slowly start sneaking away and let her playtime be more independent. However, I do love this time with her.

Creating Together
If I manage to be organized enough to plan an art activity or and “experiment” it makes Avery’s day. I try to tell her about it before nap and when she wakes up her first words are “down” and “paint” or “nest” or whatever the activity is we’ve decided upon. She’s so proud of her final product and can’t wait to show her Daddy. It makes my heart sing.  

So, these are the goals. I can do this, right? I am also aware that there will be days when it just won’t happen and that’s ok, too. As long as both girls feel loved, nurtured and are relatively clean and fed then we’ll survive.

On to the portraits.

Avery 1/52
In an attempt to take their portraits during the first week of 2014 I shoved a camera in her face when she woke up from nap on Sunday. I'm not sure she was as delighted by this project as I, but I love her sweet faces. Right before Christmas she moved into her big-girl bed and wakes up with wild bed head and sometimes a smile and sometimes a cranky demeanor. She wants to cuddle as soon as she wakes up and says "mama bed". I pick her up and carry her into our bed and snuggle for a few more minutes. Sometimes it's with Daddy and baby, too. That's even better. The third photo is after I interrupted her...watching a movie on the computer. She didn't want me to take any more photos. 

Logan 1/52
Logan may not be the best napper but whenever she wakes up, no matter how short of long the nap, she gets the biggest and sweetest smiles. She smiles so big and so wide that her whole body curls up into a ball. I love holding her and I love watching this happy baby grow. 

Hello 2014

Instead of coming up with my own 2014 aspirations I decided to swipe five of the best I've seen from Kendi Everyday. I found them on Pinterest while I was nursing sweet Logan and knew they were exactly the five things I'd like to improve and continue this year.

This blog is to accomplish the first: take more photos. Lately, I only take photos if I'm being paid to do so and this needs to change. I started photography because I needed a creative outlook and I love looking at the world through my camera. But it became a lot of work, a lot of editing and a lot of time. My camera(s) sit in a bag or on a shelf and go unused for far too long. The real travesty is that I have the two most beautiful subjects to focus in on and I've let that slip as well. Not any longer. I have decided to undertake the 1/52 project that's been floating around the blogging world this past year an add a bit more to it. I'll be taking a portrait of each of my girls once a week and also writing a piece on our weekly family life. I want to remember this special time and I want it to be documented for myself and for my family. A family history is some respects.

I've been extremely hesitant about posting photos of my girls and documenting our life publicly. I want our life to be ours and what's shared to be as much their choice as mine. So if you're reading this, it's likely because I've invited you to do so. Because I love you and trust you and because you love our family.

I have always loved journaling and want a place to do so. I also want a place where I can easily turn these images and words into a book for our family at the end of the year. This is a big commitment but I'm determined.

If I finish this it will help me accomplish goal number 4 (finish what you start) and goal number 3 (be healthy). Writing helps me process and make me feel much more settled. I'm also cutting out sweets except for on the weekends (this has been very hard) and trying to eat more vegetables. I should start running too but that's for a different post.

So, welcome to our family and all that delight me.